I consume
what I produce

I consume the electricity produced by my solar generator free of charge between 9am/10am and 3pm/16pm. From 3/16pm in the evening to 9/10am in the morning, CEB supplies my electricity.

The law is very strict for self-consumption of electricity produced by your solar electricity generator. The first law concerning electricity generators dates back to 1939, and was last amended in 2005.

3 Obligations and legal requirements :

Obligation 1

Obligation 1/ You can use the electricity produced by your generator only for yourself, your employees or your tenants.
For example, you’re not allowed to supply electricity to your neighbor, even if he’s related to you.

Obligation 2

Obligation 2/ You are not allowed to inject surplus electricity into the CEB grid.
In other words, if you produce more electricity than you consume, this surplus electricity will be used to generate electricity. is lost. Overproduction of electricity must be blocked by an appropriate electronic system.

Obligation 3

Obligation 3/ Your electricity production with a generator is limited to 400 KVA (about 400 kilowatts). This is why all high-end hotels in Mauritius are equipped with electricity generators limited to 400 KVA.


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